Meet Sebastian
Vanessa and Julian are happy to announce the birth of baby Sebastian. He was born at 7:30 in the morning of the 14th of December following 8 hours of hard labour, which unfortunately ended with a c-section. When he was born, Sebby measured 53 cm in length, the circumference of his head was 37 cm and he weighed an astonishing 4.5 kg (i.e. 10 pounds!)! In a very short time he has become the apple of the eyes of his mum, dad, auntie, grandparents and great grandparents.. Mummy is over the moon, daddy is besotted with his boy – so much so that I fear he will never recover!
Vanessa e Julian sono felici di annunciare la nascita del piccolo Sebastian. Il bambino e’ venuto alla luce alle 7:30 della mattina di Giovedi’ 14 Dicembre dopo otto stenuanti ore di travaglio conclusesi, purtroppo, con un taglio cesario. Alla nascita Sebby misurava 53 cm in lunghezza, 37 cm in circonferenza cranica e pesava la bellezza di 4.5 kg (il cesario e’ dunque spiegato)! In breve tempo e’ diventato il cocco non solo di mamma, papa’, zia, nonni e bisnonne. La mamma e’ felicissima ed il papa’ e’ completamente impazzito d’amore – non credo ci siano piu’ speranze che si riprenda dalla botta!