Chi non risica...rosica!!

Dopo la prima partita con il Ghana, quest’anno avevo davvero creduto (sperato?) che fosse la volta buona e che l’Italia, nonostante Moggiopoli e porcherie calcistiche varie, fosse entrata nel Mondiale con lo spirito giusto. Mi sono dovuta ricredere quasi subito. Ancora una volta abbiamo commesso l’errore di sottovalutare gli avversari (anzi, di sopravvalutare noi stessi) ed abbiamo non solo fatto fare agli Stati Uniti (gli Stati Uniti!!) la figura del leone, ma abbiamo fatto anche una gran figura di m**da sotto gli occhi di mezzo mondo grazie alla gomitata rifilata da De Rossi a McBride (3 punti di sutura). Siamo come dei bambini viziati ai quali viene rubato il lecca-lecca: prima piangiamo poi, se vediamo che non funziona, cominciamo a dare morsi e pizzicotti. La classe non e’ acqua ed in Italia, da un po di tempo, sembra esserci davvero siccita’.

After our first match with Ghana I seriously thought (hoped?) that this year, in spite of the Moggi-gate and the scandals surrounding our football, Italy had started this World Cup in the right way. I had to reconsider my views almost immediately. Against USA we ended up making the usual "Italian" mistake of underestimating our adversary - or perhaps overestimating our capabilities. We not only managed to make the USA (USA!!!) look like a bunch of lions but also succeded in showing all our mental limits in front of the entire world - De Rossi elbowing McBride (3 stitches) was almost as bad as Totti's spit in Euro 2004. In such tough circumstances, Italians always end up behaving like a bunch of spoiled kids who cannot get their favourite lollypop: first we try with the “cry for help” tactic. Then, if we see it doesn’t work, frustrated, we start kicking and biting the others. Will we ever learn?


Anonymous said…
Hi Ness

How are going? Long time no contact. Hope the family are all well and life back in Italy is good. I have a friend from work, an ecologist, is coming to Italy in June and is going thru your area, would it be okay for her to call in to meet you. Her name is Vanessa (so you won't forget that one) and is a lovely girl otherwise I would not suggest she drop in. If this is okay can you email me on (married now, change of name from Watkin).



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